Make your training an amazing start for free, no credit card required. Sign up for a monthly or annual plan with a discounted rate.
Perfect for beginners
Access to core features
- Limited # of learners
- 1 owner account
- 0 admin account
- 0 content creator account
- Limited diskspace
- Limited bandwidth
- Create user groups
- Course Creation Studio
- Learning Management System (LMS)
- Learning Boards
- Content Library
- Reports page
- Free course and project templates
- Free creative assets
- Add/embed quizzes, games, badges,
surveys, interactive elements & documents - Use any web or mobile browser for online
viewing of your course - Course landing page for course details,
analytics, marketing, and self enrollment
Get more features
$95 per month (billed annually)
- Unlimited # of learners
- 1 owner account
- 1 admin account
- 1 content creator account
- 100 GB diskspace
- 1 TB bandwidth per month
- Create user groups
- Course Creation Studio
- Learning Management System (LMS)
- Learning Boards
- Content Library
- Reports page
- Free course and project templates
- Free creative assets
- Add/embed quizzes, games, badges,
surveys, interactive elements & documents - Use any web or mobile browser for online
viewing of your course - Course landing page for course details,
analytics, marketing, and self enrollment